
French Language Learning Opportunities for All

Welcome! We are Francessibilité, a volunteer organization that provides French lessons to children in lower-income communities, free of charge. We strongly believe that access to quality education should be available to all children, regardless of their socio-economic background. Here at Francessibilité, we understand the importance of early language learning and the numerous cognitive and cultural benefits it brings. Therefore, we are committed to creating equal opportunities for children to acquire valuable language skills, particularly in French.

Vittoria Satterlee

Meet Vittoria, the Co-Founder/Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer at Francessibilité. Vittoria is a high school senior passionate about International Business Management, Economics, Film, and Finance. With over 6 years of French education, including AP French Language and Culture, and being a member of the Societe de Honoraire Francais, Vittoria has been dedicated to immersing herself into the French language and learning about Francophone regions. As President of her school's Film Club and DECA Chapter, membership in the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Societe d'Honoraire Français, and recognition from the College Board as an AP Scholar with Distinction, Vittoria has maintained academic excellence and involvement throughout her academic career. After completing AP French with her classmate and close friend, Aidan, the two joined together to create Francessibilité, with the hopes to provide meaningful opportunities to young children by teaching French, a language the pair have been dedicated to for over 6 years. Now, Vittoria hopes to expand Francessibilité's services to as many schools as possible, ensuring young language education is free and available to children without access to it.

Aidan Leclere

Meet Aidan, the Co-Founder/Executive Director and Chief Innovation Officer at Francessibilité. Aidan is a high school senior passionate about French, Theatre, Marketing, and Singing. Aidan has been awarded the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy in French, immersed himself into a summer french program, triumphed over 6 years of the language's coursework, and was elected President of his schools chapter of the Société de Honoraire Francais. Aidan is involved within his school as the Vice President of the Film Club, Vice President of Marketing of the DECA Team, consistent participation in theater shows, and membership in the Chem Club. Aidan and Vittoria had become close friends after taking 6 years of French together, and with their time in the course coming to a close, the two wanted to carry on with their passion, and use their French skills to create opportunities for youth by employing their knowledge of French. Together, they founded Francessibilité to offer free French language learning opportunities to youth in lower income communities. Now, Aidan hopes to use his passion for marketing and the French language to grow Francessibilité's reach and lead the volunteer organization to provide as many young learners as possible with Francessibilité's language learning opportunities.

Mia Clements

Meet Mia, the Head of Logistics at Francessibilité. Mia is a high school senior interested in music production, cello, and French. As a student with over 5 years of learning experience in French, Mia was awarded the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy in French, has participated in a French cultural exchange, and championed over both the daunting AP French Language and Culture course and exam. Alongside Aidan, Mia was elected Vice President of their chapter’s Société Honoraire de Français, establishing a working relationship based on the common grounds of French that led to the establishment of Francesibilité. Through their journey, Mia has showcased immense dedication and fluency in the French language, demonstrating exemplary speaking skills and phenomenally natural grammatical style. Similarly, Mia, a seasoned cellist, has taken over six years of orchestra classes and is currently the principal cellist in Sherwood High School’s orchestra. In addition, Mia actively partakes in the Music Honors Society, the K-pop dance team, the Student Ambassadors, and the Fashion club, demonstrating immense passion for the arts and involvement in the community. Mia delightedly joined Francessibilité alongside Aidan and Vittoria to implement their foundational understanding and long-developed French skills in speech, grammar, writing, listening, and reading. Mia is excited to see what the next steps are within Francessibilité, and the larger impact that the organization will have on youth in lower income areas over the years.

Solaiman Hassanin

Meet Solaiman, a Board Member at Francessibilité. Solaiman is a college student at the University of Maryland with dedication and high performance in history and culture courses, such as developmental learning in the histories of regions in Europe, the Middle East, and in Africa. In addition to his global inquisition, as a passionate former student of the French language, Solaiman has grown to strongly appreciate the immense cultural diversity, immersive historical experiences, as well as expressive artistic nature of French language, francophone cultures, and France itself. Solaiman is a student who has benefited tremendously from the French language through its influence in significantly broadening his understanding and perspective of the world, and aims to be a key contributor in reaching newer and younger audiences, who can shape the next generation. Similarly, as a fluent Arabic speaker, Solaiman recognizes the importance of giving students a well-rounded global education that can prepare them for interactions with the many diverse peoples of the world. By teaching the French language, important historical and social context can be given to the upcoming generation, aiding them in discovering new passions, interests, and most importantly, valuable knowledge.

Colette Carter

Meet Colette, Board Member, Registered Agent and Sponsor of Francessibilité. Colette supports Vittoria and Aidan’s effort to help elementary school age children learn and understand French and the cultures of francophone regions. As a former French student, Colette has gained valuable language skills and lessons from her immersive experiences in France. Similarly, Colette believes that because younger exposure to foreign languages fosters more effective brain development in children, Francessibilité’s mission is an admirable endeavor. As a former teacher and youth leader with over 35 years experience, Colette is excited to begin a new chapter with Francessibilité! Colette is incredibly proud to be a part of Francessibilité’s effort, and welcomes the opportunity to support this program in any way.

Alice Yacubovich

Meet Alice, Lesson Coordinator at Francessibilité. Alice is the Tutoring Chair of her school's National Honor Society chapter, maintains a 4.0 unweighted GPA, and is a College Board Recognized AP Scholar with Distinction. As rising senior who has championed through courses such as AP United States History, AP US Government and Politics, AP Biology, AP World History, AP English Language and Composition, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Calculus BC, and AP Chemistry, Alice has shown her academic excellence and dedication to educational success. In addition, Alice has been an elite competitive pianist for over a decade, being a member of the Tacy Foundation, and teaching music theory to young minds. Alice joyfully joined Francessibilité to use her pre-existing tutoring, coordination, and scheduling skills to help the mission thrive and provide smooth schedules for volunteers and participating schools. As a proponent of kindness and positivity, Alice acts as the Vice President of the Best Buddies Club at her school, promoting an inclusive school environment for everyone. Alice is so excited to see the long term effects of the lessons given by Francessibilité and the opportunities she is working to create with the rest of the team!

Briana Sisler

Meet Briana, Head of Communications at Francessibilite. Briana comes from a household that is passionate about languages where five languages are spoken and new languages are explored. This influence inspired Briana to study French for 5 years formally and 1 year self study. Briana is an honorable member of Société de Honoraire Francais. In addition to being a straight A student, Briana is a member of the NSHSS, National English Honors Society and National Music Honor Society, as well as being an active officer of several clubs within her high school. When her friends, former French classmates, and scholars approached Briana about teaching children French she immediately volunteered her services. Nothing inspires Briana more than the potential to share her love of languages with children.

Isabella Miller

Meet Isabella, a Board Member at Francessibilité. Isabella is a senior at Towson University, where she is majoring in Art+Design and French Language while minoring in International Studies. Isabella has been a French learner and speaker for over ten years, developing a keen interest in the social aspects of languages, such as pragmatics and semantics, as well as how linguistic diversity enriches society, and influences the way people communicate with one another. Recently, Isabella participated in an intensive study abroad program in Aix-en-Provence, France, where she was challenged academically while being immersed into the language and culture of France. During her stay in Aix, Isabella had the opportunity to have a couple of her analysis articles published in La Marseillaise. During her final year at Towson University, Isabella will continue to take a full load of courses in preparation of her post-graduation DALF C2 exam. With the hopes of becoming a certified translator, Isabella is excited to join Francessibilité to help underserved communities have access to education and culture, as well as use the power of language to build a community.

Gianluca Satterlee

Meet Gianluca, a Board Member at Francessibilité. Gianluca is a student at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and is a large proponent of education for the youth. As a former MCPS employee, being a Paraeducator at Rosa Parks Middle School, Gianluca has shown his dedication to assisting young learners on their educational journeys. Similarly, Gianluca was a Head Counselor at the Summer at Sandy Spring camp program. As an educator and current language learner, Gianluca jumped at the opportunity to join the Francessibilité board because he recognizes the importance of young learning, particularly the numerous educational benefits introductions to language learning brings to students. With an extensive musical background, Gianluca is proficient in instruments such as the drums, acoustic guitar, and voice. Releasing and writing four studio albums under the stage name, “Gianni Saturn,” he has displayed his love for music. Gianluca is excited to see the performance and long term benefits of the Francessibilité Custom Curriculum, and believes the organization provides young learners with a wonderful opportunity to learn French

About us

Our team is built of highly dedicated high school volunteers that strive to provide comprehensive and engaging French language instruction. We have tailored our curriculum to meet the needs and interests of children from low-income families, fostering their linguistic abilities, cultural appreciation, and overall personal growth.

Key Features

  • Experienced and Passionate Tutors: Our volunteers have at least 3 years of formal French education and are also passionate about teaching and making a positive impact on the lives of young learners.
  • Customized Curriculum: We have developed a curriculum that focuses on interactive and immersive teaching methods, enabling students to develop their language skills in an enjoyable and engaging manner.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Alongside language acquisition, we incorporate cultural activities, such as storytelling, music, and art, to expose children to the rich heritage of French-speaking countries.
  • As always, our lessons are at no cost to the schools we go to. Francessibilité hopes to provide crucial learning opportunities to young children who deserve every opportunity to thrive.